We like to hear your thoughts. Fill the form below to send us your feedback. The BAM’s letters section has long been a forum for debate, often about important issues, and we try to print all letters that we receive, in accordance with the guidelines below. Due to limited space in the print magazine, we edit letters, sometimes quite heavily, for length and clarity. When many letters are submitted on the same topic, and we don’t have room for all of them in the print magazine, we print a representative sampling and publish the others online.
Letter writing guidelines: The BAM publishes only those letters that are sent in response to content we have already printed, which includes articles and letters to the editor. We do not print commentary on current events that is not directly related to content that we have recently published. Letters responding to University policies or actions that have not recently been reported in the BAM should be directed to the appropriate University administrator. The BAM does not print ad hominem attacks on individuals or groups, and does not print letters containing obscenities or what would be deemed vulgarity by journalistic standards. However, we do not censor opinions. Rather, we encourage alums to share views of support or disagreement with our content, as well as to debate, interrogate, and confront diverse and conflicting viewpoints in this forum, which is open to all Brown graduates.